What Is A Photograph?
Not correct many photographic images are made not using a camera, for instance: laying an object on a piece of photographic paper then exposing it to light, the silhouette of the image is captured on the paper. Man Ray experimented with this style along with many other early photographers/artists. Pin holes in walls making huge images on interior walls are not technically camera’s, there are many examples of photographic images being made not using a camera. I think a screenshot is as valid as these.
What do you think?
What do photographers think?
This is definitely an image - but is it a photo?
How about this?
BK Ryer I’ve partially written up a little thought experiment which explores this along the lines of captured vs generated, and how semantic sets both sharpen and blur these distinctions. The photo challenge and pressing banalities have pushed back my editing (not that anyone will notice!) but I’ll push out some more on this topic soon.
💬 John Philpin @bkryer WOW - taken time to reply so as to absorb what you have written - and even then, not sure I am there yet .. and such a simple question. Who Knew? For the moment sits as a bookmark which in my world means I will be back with more consideration at some point. Looking forward to the follow ups.