April 24th.
Follow The Daily Stoic
If one really catches your eye, don’t forget to click on ‘the date’ below - there may be additional commentary.
April 24th.
Follow The Daily Stoic
If one really catches your eye, don’t forget to click on ‘the date’ below - there may be additional commentary.
I've been meaning to say for quite some time, John, that I really appreciate you posting these. I intend to use the RSS feed link in a daily journal template which I'm tackling as a new personal project.
I have often read these posts of yours with gratitude, but have never paused to thank you. This is me, doing so now.
@circustiger why THANKYOU so very much, so glad you like.
Seperately … if you keep track, you might have noticed a gap in the actual posts, where I dropped markers. I am now back on track with my daily posting and during this week trying to back fill the missing days. What went wrong? Long story 😟
Whatever it was, I hope it's not bothering you now. Thanks again for doing the work.
@circustiger short story - a lot of moving parts in our world at the moment ... and the book was very carefully stored so I wouldn't lose it ... as you can see - not lost - but for a while there, book and I were definitely separated!