🔗 FDA approves first over-the-counter birth control pill.
That’s cool. I would put that up on every high school’s bulletin board across the country.
@pimoore Heads up: I suspect the thought of government interference in women’s healthcare as having entertainment value would be offensive to some. I note that only men have commented so far.
@fgtech the thought is reality. It’s happening. That’s what find offensive.
Thinking of it as entertainment, I mean (🍿). The reality of government interference is not entertaining, it is ruining lives.
@pimoore Yeah, I see that part. It can be entertaining to see mud in the eye of a political opponent, but this topic is too serious for mud slinging. Encroaching on reproductive rights is wrong. This needs to have a very firm, non-negotiable, not turning back the clock approach.
@fgtech , I suspect you could say ‘most’ rather than ‘some’. In either case, such discussions are likely to become part of the entertainment landscape, as most everything does lately in the simpleton west, but that doesn’t prevent folks from taking it seriously. I do, but from a particular angle (language) which can be, well, a bit harsh. Trying to sound sympathetic can come off cold.
As to remedies for or reasons why shit like this happens on the regular, I am hesitant to guess…well, alright… it is terrified people making terrible decisions. The trauma drama 🎭 is pernicious.
@bkryer This is a good point:
that doesn’t prevent folks from taking it seriously
Sorry, , if I’ve been too harsh. After all, we haven’t even seen the predictable conservative reaction yet. This is good news and we should be celebrating!
@pimoore yes indeed, I’ve realized I jumped the gun a bit and preemptively responded to the inevitable storm of bahooky soon to be jettisoned onto screens worldwide from those who would save us. Zeesh!
@fgtech Cheers, and yes, it is a measured research driven federal level authorization for what looks to be an amazing health care product. Folks are gonna flip!
@fgtech heh.. no worries, I didn’t see it as harsh … though I do disagree … for a number or reasons … including;
if a popcorn emoji gets someone to pay attention ✅
As someone said in the thread … politics and entertainment are merging ..have merged ✅ … remember when Arnold the body builder became a state governor … and we kind of thought it weird … and now we have idiots like Kennedy doing press ups as part of his campaign?
To me 🍿 is not purely about entertainment it is a symbol of being on the sidelines watching something unfold
I am increasingly annoyed that so many people take offense to anything … if you are not careful you end up saying nothing for fear of offending anybody … if a popcorn emoji offends …. I am sorry for the person that was offended … for them mind, not for my popcorn emoji.
Re the ‘not preventing taking it seriously’ … consider someone like john Oliver who’s entire schtick is to be funny around incredibly serious subjects that need serious attention.
Exactly. Brilliant show, btw, for so so many reasons. and Ohhhh headslap, I didnt understand the point to be about offending typography or some other complaining.
I think it will be non-ironically entertaining to catch whiff of self-incinerating brain caps, long poisoned by the cognitive equivalent of dangerous metals, to finally ignite in indignation. “huff sob well, huff sniff—you cant get one because i don wanna!!! sob sniff”
When are these wizards going to puzzle out what inalienable is all about?
@bkryer It was definitely not the reaction you deserved for using a popcorn emoji. I got preemptively pissed off by what we all know will be the response from the so-called religious right. I’m still deeply disillusioned by the state of this country after the Dobbs decision.
@fgtech my disillusionment goes way beyond Dobbs and way beyond the USA’s borders.