I get what Doug Belshaw writes at a big picture level, but thinking of income without the context of cost of living is not useful and maybe misleading.
To quote his quote …
People at Income Level 4 earn more than $32 a day. At this Income Level, we find thee richest billion on the planet, who work in jobs that typically require at least 12 years of education – something those on the lower Income Levels cannot currently aspire to.
If you earn $32 each and every day in the good ol' USA - you are earning $11,680 per year - $1,000 per month which is not going to go too far by my calculations.
🔗 Income Levels- Doug Belshaw - Thought Shrapnel
Chris L You should hear the squawking nearby when the Tacoma Housing Authority looked at the cost of housing and adopted a $32 hourly wage. How dare an organization adopt a living wage appropriate for the cost of living in the area!
💬 John Philpin @chrislott is that what that screeching was.
Denny Henke Yeah, it really says something about our perception of wealth based on what we see in our daily lives. That the poorest in the US are still so much better off than many billions around the planet.
I live what I consider to be a very low-energy, simple lifestyle but that's relative to those around me. Most years I make and live on less than $7,000. But even at that level of income I have material conveniences that billions of others do not.