About That Show I Just Watched

  1. Gratuitous Naked Shots ✅
    • Tops and Bottoms ✅
    • Male and Female ✅
  2. Clichés ✅
  3. Happy Endings ✅
    • Arc of the shows story ✅
    • Sex scenes ✅
      • Champagne corks popping ✅ and
      • Crashing waves (see 2 - clichés) ✅
  4. Bad Acting ✅
  5. Plenty of military jingoism ✅
  6. Nationalities of the baddies as expected ✅
  7. Renegades in the Military who turn out to be the best ✅
  8. Lead straight guy discovers his best friend has been gay all along, even though the Lesbian team member knew all along ✅
  9. The ‘nerd’ computer geek is the least attractive of the entire team ✅
  10. Pretty compliant on ‘most’ politically correct casting for the core tea of 7 ✅
That All Said, on the plus side.