While the Dems - ably supported by the media - wring their collective hands over the suitability of Biden as a President 🔗🎙️ Olberman (15 minutes) wonders why absolutely nobody .. anywhere … is asking the same question about the other guy?
I mean - nobody.
💬 John Philpin Meanwhile over in the UK 🔗🎙️ Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell have a pretty good 30 minute hot take on what the UK election results mean really mean, highlighting some interesting high level 'back of a fag packet' data analysis.
Pratik One hypothesis is that Republicans hold a grudge and are fine with treating journalists like crap or cutting off access. Democrats are still all about the sanctity of the press in spite of the people involved in the fourth estate these days.
💬 John Philpin @pratik who the hell would want to be in the Rolodex of these #$@&Wits
Pratik Do you think anyone would know of Maggie Haberman without Trump? Without access journalism, today’s journalists wouldn’t know what to do
💬 John Philpin @pratik probably not .. and arguably ‘most’ people haven’t heard of her .. the nature of our times .. we didn’t used to know who CEOs were, who’s he Speaker of the House’ was, the producer of an album, … and she has the added Bennie of the NYT …
I get ‘making a name’ … but you can do that the other way. (Talking of which one of olbermans points is that all journos want to be Woodward and Bernstein .. and don’t know where to start