So I will plant this post in various places across the inter webs as I reach out to find those customers that need what I do.

The link is worth clicking on, but thatā€™s not really what this is about. Except, in a way, it kinda isā€¦ let me explain.

This part of Johnā€™s business model is a weekly sponsorship. He sells them upfront. He can sell two on the same week. And if one becomes open suddenly

Hereā€™s the deal: my calendar is showing some similar gaps. Now, I donā€™t operate exactly like John Gruberā€”heck, weā€™re not even in the same spaceā€”but at the core, the goal is the same.

And honestly, for-profit organizations arenā€™t as different from each other as we might like to think.

I like to imagine every organization as a magic box. It takes inputsā€”people, capital, resourcesā€”and transforms them into outputs: products and services that are sold to customers. Ideally, every window of time is filled with something that generates revenue for the business.

These are sold to customers. Ideally, every window of time is filled with something that generates revenue for the business.

This urgency is one reason why so many rush to create products that can ā€œmake money while you sleep.ā€ The aim is to replace perishable inventory with non-perishable. And while thatā€™s a great approach, itā€™s not what I do, becauseā€”despite what I just saidā€”every organization is unique.

So here I am, reaching out to the internet to help fill those gaps.

If you have a businessā€”or know someone who doesā€”thatā€™s struggling to boost revenue, letā€™s chat. Iā€™ve got frameworks, methods, and a book thatā€™s gotten some praise from fellow writers worldwide.

Over the years, Iā€™ve tried it all: flywheels, funnels, category marketing, guerrilla sales, challenger sales, social sellingā€”you name it, Iā€™ve probably experimented with it.

Hereā€™s the biggest takeaway:

Itā€™s all about the synergy of teamwork and a shared purpose.

If youā€™re ready to turn those inputs into something extraordinary, drop me a line. Letā€™s make some magic happen.

This version aims for a conversational tone while still driving home the main points and inviting engagement.

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