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Posts in: MB 2022 11

Day 30: safety

“The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.”

💬 Dudley Moore

All my MicroBlog Vember 2022 posts

Day 29: fish

As a kid in my German class I learnt;

“Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze'”

Rough Translation;

“Fisher Fritz catches fresh fish. Fresh fish is what Fisher Fritz catches.”

All my MicroBlog Vember 2022 posts

Day 28: trend

The trend line of my daily posts on my micro blog has definitely been heading upwards as I participated in the daily post challenge that we all know as ‘MicroBlog Vember’.

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Day 27: motivation

Motivation is hard post ’Turkey Day’

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Day 26: commitment

The commitment to this daily entry for November hasn’t been too onerous.

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Day 25: ritual

Being English and currently based in New Zealand, the ritual of Thanksgiving is not on my calendar for this year.

But if it is for you - may I take this moment and wish you a ‘Happy Thanksgiving’.

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Day 24: retain

My memory is clearly failing on the ‘retain’ front … it was only seeing @pimoore’s entry for ‘yesterday (time zones - what you going to do?) that made me realize I hadn’t done today’s!

All my MicroBlog Vember 2022 posts

Day 23: update

The timing of the daily challenge update has been a lot better after the time zone changes were accounted for. Thankyou.

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Day 22: graze

Auckland is home to 1.6 million people (1/3 of the population of New Zealand) and provides specific help on where livestock can graze within the city boundaries.

All my MicroBlog Vember 2022 posts

Day 21: ice

The English in me says that two cubes of ice is sufficient to add to any drink, but my U.S.A. residency tells me that only once a glass is full of ice do you even consider adding the beverage you intend to enjoy.

All my MicroBlog Vember 2022 posts