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🖇️ As I wrote;

🔗 Pakistani military use age-old tactics to keep Imran Khan away from election.

Any pretence of due judicial process being followed was abandoned entirely at both cases where Khan was sentenced this week. Instead of an open courtroom, the trials were conducted inside the jail where Khan is being detained and his lawyers were not allowed to choose or cross-examine any witnesses.

🔗Elon Musk’s $56bn Tesla pay package is too much, judge rules.

A line in the sand has been drawn.

That said - not quite where the 🖇️‘limitareanists think it should be drawn.

But it is a start.

Listening to Ingrid Robeyns talking to Sean Illing about ‘limitar(ian)ism’ - nice counterpoint to the ‘me centric’ alternative.


Finished Listening. The Episode was called The case for banning millionaires - a very good case was made.

Listen to it yourself on 🔗 🎙️ VoxMedia

🔗 Fossil Is Quitting Smartwatches

Wait, What?

If they quit Smartwatches - don’t they just stop doing business?

🔗 Apparently not

TIL that Fossil offer a vast range of fashion accessories that I knew nothing about.

Next question.

I noticed this

Fossil Watch

… which got me to thinking. Do Fossil need that partnership any longer now that Mickey is out of copyright? Wouldn’t they make more money?

🔗 Where Logos Meet Album Covers: Designer Ivan Chermayeff

Its a Substack about a designer of iconic logos that turned his hand to (not so iconic) album covers.

I like some of them - but probably not iconic because the artists of the albums aren’t as big as the corporates either the logos.

🔗 Man who stole and leaked Trump tax records sentenced to 5 years in prison (Apple News)

If it is 5 years for this and 4 months for Navarro;

1] are the punishments commensurate?

2] If so what the likely total sentence time will be for the Orange clown?

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A lot of links on a page

’A lot of links on a page' By 'Leonardo'

Still battling with my ‘in process’ (I am being generous) archive that 🖇️ I referenced here. Tucked away I had literally …

🔗 Still struggling with emojis on my site - (The link takes you to a quick conversation with ChatGPT).

Most of them render correctly - but odd ones don’t … like this one for example : ❓

In my book that should be red?

🔗 The True Blue Ocean – ProjectVRM (2020 - I know - another old one!)

To understand the problem here, it helps to hear marketing talk to itself. Customers, it says, are targets to herd on a journey into a funnel through which they are acquired, managed, controlled and locked in.

This is the language of ranching and slavery. Not a way to talk about human beings.

Four years later nothing has changed.

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You Can’t Handle The Truth

’You Can’t Handle The Truth' By .. well, who do you think it is?

Don’t worry - this isn’t what you think it is.

If you are married or single, a writer or …