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I think is going to get very interesting once the APIs for all these random social networks fill out.#

๐Ÿ’ฌ Dave Winer

Nice - and prolly right. Which reminds me.

Blogrolls …

On the @dave blogroll ๐Ÿ”— at his order pushes blogs with ‘latest post’ to the top - any plans on something like that for Micro Blog @manton ?

The Ticket Master rip off discussion often pops up into the feeds - so this one doesnโ€™t surprise me ๐Ÿ”— Explosive New Documents Unearthed On Live Nation/Ticketmaster

๐Ÿ”— These 50 companies have donated over $23 million to election deniers since January 6, 2021 (In case you were wondering.)

I was - which is why I will be back later with some more thoughts.

๐Ÿ”— Did Trump Just Get Bailed Out?

Itโ€™s rhetorical folk.


This very much resonates with my My People First thinking. ๐Ÿ”— via Stowe Boyd - essentially - when you hear ‘the powers’ talking about how people are their most important assets and blah blah blah - would be interesting to learn how they really sit against this list/

straight line

At the beginning of the year I had grand plans for this series. A daily long-form post about something that was rattling my brain that day. And then life. For a while, I was even just dropping markers - to revisit. I came to realise that part of the problem was the complexity of the structure for each post - so that went away. Simplicity really is rather nice. As I write on 240413, I am now going back and filling in the gaps. PLUS - unless something strikes me immediately, I will not classify until the end of the day and go back to move one of the posts of the day into the 366. Also - if you are wondering how I have update the words at the bottom of over 100 posts at a stroke, well - THANK YOU Andy Sylvester and his Glossary plugin.

๐Ÿ“ก Follow with RSS

๐Ÿ—„๏ธ All the posts


When you talk about ๐Ÿ”— Blank Faces โ€ฆ and you get Blank Looks.

straight line

At the beginning of the year I had grand plans for this series. A daily long-form post about something that was rattling my brain that day. And then life. For a while, I was even just dropping markers - to revisit. I came to realise that part of the problem was the complexity of the structure for each post - so that went away. Simplicity really is rather nice. As I write on 240413, I am now going back and filling in the gaps. PLUS - unless something strikes me immediately, I will not classify until the end of the day and go back to move one of the posts of the day into the 366. Also - if you are wondering how I have update the words at the bottom of over 100 posts at a stroke, well - THANK YOU Andy Sylvester and his Glossary plugin.

๐Ÿ“ก Follow with RSS

๐Ÿ—„๏ธ All the posts

One URL - Many AIs to chat to … ๐Ÿ”— Poe - Fast, Helpful AI Chat

๐Ÿ”— Microsoftโ€™s Brazen AI Inflection

What Om does not touch on is the issue of ‘acquisition’.

To this bear (and others), what also seems to have happened is that Microsoft has all but bought the company. but actually didnโ€™t.

Why not just buy it?

Well because then you need permission from the Feds - if not the EU, which takes time and even then might not happen (remember Figma), and certainly in the AI space close scrutiny is happening.

Ok - not that close - but you know what I mean.

Watch this (tech bypassing pesky things like delays and rules and law and .. to accelerate and ‘avoid’ scrutiny) happen more and more in other places.

The Ostrom Sessions are part of a program running at Indiana University - curated and directed by Doc Searls.

They havenโ€™t all been the best, though the speakers have always been โ€˜real namesโ€™. The video is the latest with guest Jeff Jarvis. This one was good.


๐Ÿ”— ๐Ÿ“ผ The Video

A truly excellent letter - read by Stephen Fry, written by Nick Cave.

๐Ÿ“ผ ๐Ÿ”— Just in case you think AI is going to take / has taken over the world.

straight line

At the beginning of the year I had grand plans for โ€ฆ