Spoiler alert - I am talking about the book by Category Pirates, not Apple’s OSX.

I don’t recommend many business books .. in fact I don’t really recommend any, rather I recommend the authors, based on what I know, read and see them talking about. Christopher Lockhead is one such person and last week I recommended him again.

Email received this morning …

I tried buying Snow Leopard on Apple but only the audiobook is available.

I was more than a little surprised, but he’s not wrong. I even thought I’d sorted it ..by visiting the book on the 🔗 Category Pirates web site, see the link to ‘Apple Books’?

Yeah No. Apparently - click on that button and you are taken to Amazon.

Which is a good place to buy the hard copy - but this takes you to Kindle and sorry, no, not going to be doing that.

I wonder why no Apple Books? I was wondering whether it was the name - and its clash with an earlier OSX. But that was FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, and as mentioned above, the audio book is available.

Weird - right?

Fear not - I am on the case and if I get answers I will report back.

By the way - don’t try visiting that book page on a phone, or even the mini iPad - looks like there is something askew with the media settings for the site.