🎵 Wait … ‘Brain Salad Surgery’ came from a Dr. John Lyric?
🎵 Wait … ‘Brain Salad Surgery’ came from a Dr. John Lyric?
🎵 This Is Not America was always a 🎵musical favorite in my world - as indeed was The Falcon and The Snowman, which featured the song … and then the movie came to mind this morning as I was …
Cable News (1980-2023) by Dana F. Blankenhorn has a very relevant 🎵 track that opens the post.. You can find the 🔗 lyrics here.
Who “wins,” i.e., who is the last one standing? Probably …
🎵Just tried to add ‘Perfect Day’ to an Apple Playlist. It adds just fine, but in the play list is greyed out - and not playable. Go back to the source and it plays just fine. The track was on Transformer. There is another version on ‘The Essential Lou Reed’. Add that - and no problem.
🎵 That moment you realize that his really good ‘new’ stuff is now 30 years old, his ‘transitional band’ … who were absolutely awesome … was around 40 years ago and his first band (that he is probably best known for) was started over 50 years ago.
Just dropped Jax off at the airport … heading back home …
“Heh Siri … play some random music.”
… and up comes this 🎵 (song whip)
Seriously? Siri is clearly tapping into something.
🎵 A clue to how far through Better Call Saul I have got.
Marvelous piece of Music.
If I do it - it will be 3 hours and 20 minutes of my life that I won’t get back - but then …. it is 🎵 The Velvet Underground - and the information the guy delivers is always interesting and not the usual average ‘fodder facts’.
I haven’t thought about this album for years - and then Tedium wrote about it at length ….
🔗 🎵 Jeff Wayne’s War of the Worlds: The Rock Opera That Shaped the Form
I relistened to some of it earlier today. I still enjoyed it - but to my ears it hasn’t aged well. Not yet put my finger on why - but I suspect a new listener might not engage with it in the same way.