Daring Fireball: More on GM Dropping CarPlay

🔗 Just finished listening to the latest Core Intuition.
At one point in the conversation @manton and @danielpunkass were talking about community guidelines, social norms et al. Hate speech on Bluesky …
“I’ve been mithered over a novel for months. I wrote a 100,000-word one over COVID and then threw the lot away immediately afterwards because it was, in technical terms, utter shite altogether.”
💬 William Gallagher
100,000 words ‘binned’ … would we all had that kind of courage.
You can read the whole thing here.
Galloway sets the scene for the context and scale of what is going on. What follows is not so much a ‘TL;DR’ - as a flavor of what you will find within …
Cable News (1980-2023) by Dana F. Blankenhorn has a very relevant 🎵 track that opens the post.. You can find the 🔗 lyrics here.
Who “wins,” i.e., who is the last one standing? Probably …
Count me in the camp of ‘well now - there’s some new news’ ….
”The prevalence of Vin Diesel’s exposed upper arms may be associated with box office and critical success. According to this really important analysis from a Reddit user, the movies in which Vin Diesel wears four sleeveless shirts and spends 14–15% of the film wearing them are better liked by critics and make more money than movies in which he wears fewer sleeveless shirts for less time. Vin Diesel averages 1.95 sleeveless shirts per film and wears one in 16 of his 23 films, the analysis claims. Reddit is undefeated.”
💬 Morning Brew
“All of this is to say, Mastodon has its flaws and Twitter has its flaws. And, as I read in Dan Diamond’s newsletter, leaving Twitter also has its flaws. But you know what? I’m on Substack RIGHT NOW! And Substack has just introduced “Notes”. Why not investigate ITS flaws?”
💬 Mike Pesca
There’s a lot of similarities between writing music and building websites ….
“Music making is like progressive enhancement in that you start with your drums (HTML), add the bass guitar (CSS), and then sprinkle screaming and synths and solos on top it all (Javascript).”
💬 Robin Rendle
I’m doing research on alien life, so I thought I’d start in America.
💬 Jim Woessner