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Posts in: Quote

There has been a lot of traffic on Micro Blog about ‘like’ buttons - as in should there be one? Some of those conversations have been repackaged and moved into other places - like this one from Dave …

“If you enjoyed following the fracas in the House of Representatives last week, but found it too dignified, too respectful of a hallowed institution — well then, the Sussex vs. Windsor chronicles are for you.”

💬 Ben Smith .. Semafor


An Al Gore quote.

Write Without Fear. Edit Without Mercy - words we can all relate to - if not even aspire to!

If you would like an introduction to Dennis - let me know.

A very current old observation.

“I ignore polling as a method of government. I think that shows a certain weakness of mind, an inability to chart a course. Whichever way the wind blows. Whichever way the media encourages the people to go, you follow. You’re not a leader.”

💬 ​Lee Kuan Yew

Neither do I … but the Unions have been systemically destroyed for years … so it isn’t surprising because we live in a #me world

“We have a chance, collectively, to avoid the mistakes of the last decade and a half. We have an opportunity to not put ourselves (and our data) onto someone else’s farm. I absolutely loathe terms like “surveillance capitalism” or the phrase “if you’re not paying for it, you’re the product” (because I think both are misleading), but I am perplexed at people who make both of those claims about Facebook and Twitter… and now rush to sign up for some brand new company based on the same sort of model, with the same sorts of risks.”

💬 Mike Masnick

A quote from my ‘funnest’ Christmas read …

“It’s not about speaking up … it’s about being heard.”

💬 Yuval Noah Harari