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You just can’t make this stuff up. If this and this wasn’t enough - now you have this …


I won't be getting this one - but I did have the first - what was it thirty years ago?

I wrote and published this post about the trials and tribulations (ok - not trials - YET) of Uber yesterday. It was a rapid summary of the fronts that they are fighting that came through my feeds just …

Private Eye Reports ...

According to her attack-dog attorney, Charles Harder, the Mail’s allegations harmed her “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to cash in on the Trump presidency by selling …

Virginia man gets 11 years in prison for trying to join Islamic State

... not actually joining, and had he joined, not actually done anything ...

Meanwhile in 1931:

Gangster Al Capone is sentenced to 11 …

Absolutely brilliant. Back in England - in the middle ages - people would occasionally get ‘hoist by their own petard’ …. I believe Chick-Fil-A have just experienced that delight. …

Oh c'mon!

And for heavens sake grow up.

Conway says she gets 'different set of questions' on TV

Oh and honey, when you say ...

"It's a 'build you up to tear you down' kind of town."

Nobody - repeat NOBODY …

British MPs lined up on Monday to pour scorn on a “racist and sexist” Donald Trump, who they said should not be allowed to come to Britain for a state visit because of the risk it would embarrass …

After I wrote this at the beginning of the year, where ..

The Chicago Review of Books (had) made the decision to not review any books produced by Simon & Schuster during 2017.

The article asked the …