You just can’t make this stuff up. If this and this wasn’t enough - now you have this …
I wrote and published this post about the trials and tribulations (ok - not trials - YET) of Uber yesterday. It was a rapid summary of the fronts that they are fighting that came through my feeds just …
According to her attack-dog attorney, Charles Harder, the Mail’s allegations harmed her “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” to cash in on the Trump presidency by selling …
Virginia man gets 11 years in prison for trying to join Islamic State
... not actually joining, and had he joined, not actually done anything ...
Gangster Al Capone is sentenced to 11 …
Absolutely brilliant. Back in England - in the middle ages - people would occasionally get ‘hoist by their own petard’ …. I believe Chick-Fil-A have just experienced that delight. …
Oh c'mon!
And for heavens sake grow up.
Conway says she gets 'different set of questions' on TV
Oh and honey, when you say ...
"It's a 'build you up to tear you down' kind of town."
Nobody - repeat NOBODY …
British MPs lined up on Monday to pour scorn on a “racist and sexist” Donald Trump, who they said should not be allowed to come to Britain for a state visit because of the risk it would embarrass …
After I wrote this at the beginning of the year, where ..
The Chicago Review of Books (had) made the decision to not review any books produced by Simon & Schuster during 2017.
The article asked the …