@johnphilpin has a serious question
CRM - what's the state of art today?
I used to be on top of all this - and curiously, as I have been poking around and not really seeing many new names ...
The (not so) short list ....
Asana (I always have had them in Project Management but they see CRM as a ‘project’)
Daylite (because Mac)
Hubspot (Personally don't like - but a lot of people swear by them - are they still 'content marketing led?)
Monday (because new kid on the block and everybody seems to be swearing by them)
Nimble (just always have had a place in my heart for them)
Pipedrive (more know ‘of’ - than know)
Salesforce (because - well - don’t they have to be there?)
Zoho (see Pipedrive)
Capsule (do not know at all - but seems to be on quite a few ‘best of’ lists)
My 'gut' druthers:
Soft Spots
1️⃣ Daylite - because Mac - and the three of us starting with this are ALL IN ON 🍎
- I get this might cause problems down the road
2️⃣ Nimble
- Jon Ferrara has been in this business for a LONG time
- He started Goldmine for goodness sake
Because they seem to be ‘winning’ the ‘hype’
3️⃣ Monday
4️⃣ Pipedrive
Late Entrant
5️⃣ Salesforce - which is kind of at the bottom of my list if only because I know it so well that I know that I am not the right person to set it up. - BUT - Literally in the past two hours I suddenly have a route through.
ALL and Any feedback welcome.
Missing any favorites?
Any obvious ‘no thanks’
Thankyou in anticipation