
i know how many posts I post I know how many replies I make to others

BUT IF I could work out how many of my posts got a reply - of any kind - be it one smiley versus a 100 comment stream of esaays - I could then compare to MastoThreadsBlueSky and more accurately get a feel of where I get engagement.

I do agree with @MitchWagner - i FEEL I get replies and stuff more over there than here - but

1) who cares - other than intellectual interest - kinda like my MB follow number 2) mb isn't first and foremost a forum/replies driven platform .. it is a blogging platform

Reminds me of the complaints you hear about bad airline food - worse than the worst restaurant.

Aaah yes - but try going to even the best restaurant and ask them to take you to another country while you are dining there.