@pratik the internet Covid analysts who became experts in statistics who then applied those learnings to terrorism, battlefield strategy in the 21st century and the geo political history of not just Russia, but Central Europe AND the Middle East over the last century oh AND Islam and their clear high level access they most have to the CIA archives …
might need a new topic soon …
- the legal aspects of the broad international legislative changes
- the differences between US legal thinking and European - and why
- European Legislation
- Corporate Strategy
- Market Freedom and Categoried
- lock-In versus open .. and definitely a few more besides
I mean the internet knows so much - thanks to the relentless pursuit of #winning .. I for one never want to listen to anyone who truly understands the topic under discussion .. much more fun to sit in the peanut gallery and listen to eejits who watch everything through their single lens of their experience, feelings and wants and apply not even a single filter of nuance.