@patrickrhone France is not a done deal .. and if the right is beaten it will because the left worked together .. like hundreds of candidates dropping out in an attempt to consolidate the vote.

Here in the US it is clear that the Democratic establishment wish to extract defeat from the jaws of victory. If just 10% of the party united and got on message (for once), it would help. If the media presented fair and halved coverage, it would help. If we had a judicial system that was working, it would help. If somebody actually pointed out that this isn’t a sport, fashion competition, rock concert … oh wait, thankyou Bernie, people would try to understand,

Finally .. and this is not the first time I have said it .. The US does not have a great track record in taking lessons from the rest of the world .. because … well I don’t know really .. but they don’t.

I remain upbeat, but hell fire it’s getting hard.