This is the problem of the world … specialization.
Actors have forever had to turn their hand to develop many talents to ‘get ahead’ … we need an actor that sings, tap dances, plays the guitar / piano … we need mime, we need a second / third language .. can you pole vault?… but we see them as an actor… and then surprised when you discover say the awesome jazz piano of Hugh Laurie picking one name at random …
Now jump to business - you sell, market, develop partnerships, oh you are too broad - we need an email maven, a brand specialist a social media dude (ss) an SEO maverick and you get the job … as a copywriter … and you build a career in getting words right for whoever the current ‘suit’ is .. and one day in a meeting they ‘discover’ you have a talent for … something totally unrelated … fucking frustrating and it all starts in education specialize, specialize, specialize …
Just one reason why I have always said