First thing to point out ... I definitely am not a techy - but love what Dave Winer keeps on pushing with his work around the open web. That is why I signed on here and am loving what I am seeing.

I installed 1999 yesterday without a hitch. I have hit a couple of issues of Java exceptions that I have not reported - since I can't really get a repeatable case. The 'switch it off - switch it on' again solution has worked every time. 

I love the live updating. Simple to use. As Mr Jobs used to say "It just works".

Seperately I am compiling a short list of nice to haves that I will post at sometime in the future - not yet though, I am still playing.

I hit a bug with RSS which I posted into Github - and Dave reponded VERY quickly - which in turn made me read the documentation. Sorry Dave. The documentation included this post. Duly read. Duly absorbed. 

I think there is similar behavior with how 1999 works as with DayONE, of which I am a long time user. DayONE's recent changes cut off my ability to share from my personal journal into the big wide world. I wonder if there is synergy between them and this. Don't know.

Depite getting RSS recognized by IFTTT - thanks to reading Dave's documentation, I still haven't got the recipe working - it says it is working - but nothing is posting into the stream. Still thinking.

I also notice that I am not getting live updating on my blog of these posts. I have added the RSS widget on the menu bar to the left - and it has picked up the first few posts - but nothing since. If anyone is interested, it is running here on Beyond Bridges scroll all the way down to the bottom left headed 1999 Feed. None of this reported, since it still may be me - who knows. However, I did note that when I checked the feed at The W3C Feed Validation Service - it recognizes a valid feed - but at the same time lists a number of areas that it calls out under an initial statement 

"This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations."

All that said ... I am loving this - very happy bunny.
