I was in Maui on the Southside nearly ten years ago watching a subset of the Molinas family entertaining the 'grocks'. Out of the blue this young kid emerged and delivered a Ukulele solo like I had never heard.
I didn't know they were the Molinas family at the time, and so had no idea who Andrew was. BUT.
But, I wanted to find out. For some reason I didn't enquire on the day who these guys were, so it was later when I started to just ask around.
I described him to people and the general consensus was 'oh - you must have seen Vince Esquire'.
Which is how I got into Vince Esquire and his band, and also how I came to meet Shawn Michael - now back in LA - but definitely the best bass guitarist that you have never heard of.

Anyway, you can read all about Andrew and his family the other side of this link. and so glad to see another great Maui musician emerging.
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