I went to see Steven Wilson play last night. Post to come - but during the evening found myself in two very different conversations. Both with 'two old white guys'.
The other in the break. This was the happier conversation.
One guy was saying he was heading down to LA to see Steven Wilson the following day. And that will be the 25th time he had seen him. Maybe my ten or so times aren't as crazy after all ?
He commented that the smallest venue he had ever seen him play was in Wisconsin - in a Bar - couldn't have been more than two hundred people there. Impressive. I raised him an Ace.
Smallest concert I had ever seen him give was in a Record Store in Camden Town, maybe 80 or 90 of us.
Proof :

I saw him play Radio City said my new friend. I saw him play Albert Hall I replied. Nod of mutual respect to each other.
And then he commented that he had tickets for when Wilson was in town last year and at the last minute had to give them away due to a family funeral.
My other new friend .. ‘Me too’. Turns out that he had tickets and fell ill, just couldn’t get down to San Francisco.
Me too. Had the tickets for months - and when Steven was in San Francisco - well - I was in London.
Shared experiences - across time.