Donald Trump is like Brexit in three key ways

writes Lord AshcroftIn his piece he highlights ....

First, the Trump and Brexit movements have both harnessed a desire for change that goes beyond dry questions of policy. 
Second, voters are having to decide how much risk they are prepared to take in return for the change they hope for, but whose consequences are unknowable. 
Third, many in the British political and media establishment completely failed to understand that reasonable people might vote for Brexit. 

I think there's a fourth, which I have touched on here. Let's call it manipulation. 

Since Brexit, it has been clear that the arguments for Brexit were very much based on a pack of lies. And the marketing, segmentation, messaging, targeting to the unsuspecting public was driven by a company called Cambridge Analytics.

Down the road, I suspect that someone will probably write something like;

Since 'The Election', it has been clear that the arguments for 'Trump' were very much based on a pack of lies. And the marketing, segmentation, messaging, targeting to the unsuspecting public was driven by a company called Cambridge Analytics.

I thought I would save them the time and write it now.