So playing around with both Editorial and IA Writer - both have their ‘bennies’ and I can see a role for both in my world as a staging post for thoughts before they end up here.

That means I would mainly be using them on phone / pad - since on the Mac I have Mars Edit. IAWriter has a Mac Client - which I like - so I can do some ‘tuning’ before publishing. I’m kinda old school like that. On Editorial - not possible, other than using a text editor … which is ok but not exactly a markdown expert. So I thought … maybe I could use either to write on the phone and then use IAWriter to edit on the Mac … BUT …

IAWriter ONLY uses iCloud to synch and Editorial ONLY Dropbox … apparently recent changes in Drobbox caused IAWriter to drop Dropbox - so to speak.

Wondering how Editorial makes Dropbox work if IAWriter can’t …. anyone know?

More importantly - any ideas how I could make this setup work?