I only know Julian Summer Hayes through his writing here. This particular post came through the ether this morning … some quotes (my bold):

But **I can feel it: the slow creep of old age:** my neck hurts; my knees ache after a long walk; and my sleep is easily interrupted by at least one trip to the bathroom.
**I thought I’d be depressed with the onset of old age.** I’m not. If anything, it’s forcing me to live more thoughtfully, more connected to the true me and to appreciate what I’ve got — in all possible ways.
While, I don’t disagree with the overall thrust of this chapter on his blog … the slowing down part ... I think we all can benefit from that advice - regardless of age .... he does seems to center on how old he feels . He opens the post with;
This year, I’ll be 51.
I feel very sad for him.