Siri - Drafts Experiment
The following is an experiment using Siri to talk to Drafts which I will then publish to microblog. The idea works by use of special code inside of Drafts that allows you to talk to your device and it in turn happily translates that into text. The cool thing is that normally with Siri there is a time cut off. With Drafts you can keep on talking talking talking while it types and types and types. What it doesn’t seem to do is improve the ability of Siri to understand what you’re saying.
One step at a time.
Martin McCallion Is that actually Siri, or just the dictation function? I realise they must be related, but I gather they are distinct features.
In other words, did you say, “Hey Siri, create a draft in Drafts with the text ‘…’" Or did you just tap the microphone button on the keyboard?
Either way, it's pretty good, especially if you didn't have to edit it.
💬 John Philpin @devilgate Sadly I had to edit it .... hence that final line .... however I do find that by dropping ideas down with voice to create a paragraph and then edit is often quicker than typing from scratch ... not being that proficient with the keyboard if you know what I mean. That said on an iOS device sans keyboard, some of that improved efficiency is lost.
//Jason I REALLY need to dictate more!
💬 John Philpin @Burk i assume you mean that you want to be a benevolent dictator ... not ‘trump like’ ?
//Jason ha! Never like that piece of shit. I'll be pretty fair to my subjects. 😉