… Truly horrible.

So when I read Google Slides is actually Hilarious … sadly on Medium (oh the irony - the ignominy of publishing your Google Slides takedown on Medium!), it needed to be shared.
With Commentary
I have long had no truck for the Google Office Suite … so was delighted to discover this piece and realize that I am not alone and neatly summarizes the challenges of using that excuse of a piece of software.
PowerPoint is bad enough - but it’s only when you try Google slides that you truly understand how great it really is (no snark - truth),
As an Apple user I have used the Apple iWork suite for more than years. Back in the day I used to have PowerPoint installed so I could create in Keynote, export to PowerPoint and then fix the few oddities that occur when you run such a routine.
These days I don’t even have MS office installed. All three apps export ‘nicely’ to MS and thence onto Google should somebody on the planet decide that what the deck needs is some ‘Google magic’.
Of course everyone loves Google because you can share and co edit … personally I get that in the doc world … but a decent presentation should not be designed</> put together by committee.
Seriously - STOP.
Ok ok … if you must and you want to share and co develop a deck and are a Mac user - have you tried Keynote? They offer the app - for free - on the web. You can share your presentation and anyone with the link and creds can now edit.
Is that experience rock solid? Well it’s not perfect - but it’s a whole lot better than wrestling with Google crap.