I Wonder If There Is A Fix For This?
💬 John Philpin @pimoore good idea - will take a look.
💬 John Philpin
💬 John Philpin @pimoore et al ... received from NetNewsWire Github today :
"We currently are only sharing the URL of the article. If you want a markdown version of the article, I would recommend you try to use Shortcuts to create a Share Shortcut that generates the HTML and imports it into Drafts (assuming Drafts supports Shortcuts)."
Time to learn about shortcuts.
David Johnson I found this Shortcut and have downloaded it - your own experience made me wonder if I ever wanted to download a Markdown version of a website. I have not had time to play with it yet, but wondered if it might help or be wat you are looking for?
💬 John Philpin @crossingthethreshold thanks David - will take a closer look later. It looks like it is grabbing the entire page - much as some Obsidian shortcuts are doing … I’m just looking for a nicely formatted URL - but who knows … it is time I started to bend my head around shortcuts though - maybe this is a start.
David Johnson I don’t know if you can access this link, but if so, does this work URL and Title to Markdown
💬 John Philpin @crossingthethreshold oh cool - Thankyou that does the core - just need to extend it to create a draft rather than just to clipboard and I am there … marvelous
David Johnson After a bit of playing around I came up with this edit of the last Shortcut. Will it do what you want? It grabs a URL, converts it to Markdown and then saves it to Drafts…at least it did for me!
💬 John Philpin @crossingthethreshold MARVELOUS - and thankyou - that worked very well ... GREAT JOB!
💬 John Philpin @crossingthethreshold even better ... I just edited it so that the draft is now added to the 'netnews' category ... we are ROCKING!