
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash


After my unscheduled hiatus, I have been thinking about the podcast. It is going to be different. I mean everything is going to be different. Isnā€™t it? Why would the podcast not be different?

I recorded the first one earlier this week (donā€™t worry - you didnā€™t miss it - I havenā€™t dropped it yet). If you know me, youā€™ll know that I definitely err on the side of ten words where one will do ā€¦ Iā€™m working on it!

Brevity. Thatā€™s one of the changes.

Itā€™s only 5 minutes - so far so good!

Thatā€™s also the thinking behind the newly launched ā€˜Short Sharp Shockā€™ - an ā€˜image leadā€™ sister publication that will come out weekly questioning what I am calling ā€˜The Status Futurusā€™. (Think Status Quo - except in the future.)

Meanwhile, the Blog has been redesigned to allow for easier navigation, titleless less short asides (why should everything have a title - including a Powerpoint slide) .. The book is still for sale, I am toying with a second book - similar principle - totally different topic,

And then there are the archives.

ā€¦ and talking of archives and the use thereof?

Q: How do I know that people are coming given that I donā€™t overly bother with analytics?

A: Because people keep on writing to me telling me that a link is broken.

Sadly, yes, I know and as they are raised I either fix them or remove them.

The problem stems from using a series of People First domain changes over the past few years. Older posts pointing to people-first.net, the experimental wiki and glossary just will not work.

My sincere apologies.

We're getting there.