This is in Stoop.


Stoop Screen Grab

I click on the ‘Read On’ link and see this.

Viewing is Blocked

BUT - if I save to ‘Read Later' in ‘Readwise’ and then open Readwise, I see this

Readwise view of article

🔗 The public Readwise link

🔗 The original page (sans the 5 lines of tracking crud)

Here’s what I am wondering.

When I visit the public Readwise link it includes this tracking crud;

[]( Lq3N1C9nW3fCDQw4XjBLvN22w1013q3nJV1-WJV7CgFfDW671KZv 7dHHlcW4tkCM06fBlBpN7zfWcFFRBhvW96Kz) QQ2Kmdr1W2Cwz8n1jKmPNW1kwWkW7yWKh4N1MVd8pVQCfNW6 N90fS6LjBwNW7NhW_q34pWDvW3QzqKL3rjJrGW23FBdk9kQ46N W2sjCd-6t00gbN8C5ycNXfs_LN9hcJ1J7k6-tW5thTQD5XGRFkW6N xxbm60PM_gW96NX_j38bGGFW9c-k6C7XK3rFW2Zl02144zDTlW8 BxVDp89SzfLW3pGtXy3Wl6LdMvwGZ wq5jczW30lgc-76MhyJW4xS3r15JmP723jMr1)

which to this untrained bear, seems to be very different tracking crud to Liminals, so there is some rewriting going on?


And …

If I remove that tracking crud, I can still see the article, so could Readwise automatically remove that tracking crud as they save the link into my library?