Another post that didn’t quite make it - written on a phone as I was listening to professionals on stage talking about ‘fake news’. That wasn’t how the panel phrased it - but still, it was what they were talking about … and not very well - far too politically correct …. I made these notes and have not spent a great deal of time ‘cleaning them up’.

Some of the keynotes I jotted down on the day …

.. and there was so much more. But it was ten days ago now … so …

I sat through two panels, close enough in topic that two panelists were on the stage both times. All good, solid stuff … but to me, there was more to be gleaned (learned?) by what wasn’t said than what was. Representations from the U.S.A., U.K., Poland and Ukraine. I sat and listened and took enough notes to write a book.

At the end of the first panel, 5 people including me put hands up to ask questions … one was taken and then not unanswered.

At the end of the second panel, even more hands went up, this time I was chosen as one of two .. and we both got responses.

Note … responses, not answers.

My question was apparently video’d by a film maker - and I was told I will be able to get a copy of it. If I do - I will be sure to post it here.

I distilled my notes to three issues that came top of mind as I listened. In broad terms, the discussion was around fake news and disinformation campaigns. My three points follow - NONE of this was raised across some 11 professionals on the stage. Instead the

1) The money … follow it.

2) Laws.

3) Hierarchy versus Network.


A total of some 11 people who waxed lyrical on the issues - and not one talked about REAL issues. What a waste.