Not as long as I thought
I had low expectations after reading reviews - so much better than I thought
Joaquin was as good as ever
I barely recognised Rupert Everett

In all honesty, I went to see it in the theatre because there is a new cinema in the area - one of those fancy 30 seats per screen afffairs - and I wanted to try out that experience. I didn’t really care about the 'is it true to history ' commentaries because I didn’t care and had no idea ... being one of those people that when I see a fictional movie about real life - I assume that it is fiction - and if something really piques my interest I go investigate.

One such example :

Meanwhile I am definitely no expert on Napleon. What I do remember about him from my ENGLISH school days is 

1 'Waterloo' - because 'english'
2) 'able was i ere i saw ellba' - because playground word games
3) 'Josephine' - because that is what I remember people talking about- there were even TV sketches as I recall

Good spectical, nothing in it that made be think to myself - OOH - need to go learn more about that.