Life can move slowly.
But then it doesn’t.
Case in point …. or is it?
🔗 Me on LinkedIN 12th December 2023
Resignation 14 December 2023
🔗 Business Desk Reporting 19th December 2023
Good result?
It’s a start.
Then we learn that the new chair is Jenifer Kerr - wait, she’s the chair of NZTE.
Indeed she is.
We now have one person chairing NZTE and Callaghan - thought the profiles are slightly different. (I wonder why?)
Jennifer has extensive governance experience, both in New Zealand and overseas. Her current positions include chair of Worksfe, deputy chair of Callaghan Innovation, a director of Eke Panuku Development Auckland and Waipa Networks, and member of New Zealand Police’s Audit and Risk Committee. Former governance roles include director of New Zealand Rugby and Counties Manukau Rugby Union. Previously, Jennifer has been general manager of customers, people and environment at Transpower, former group director of human resources and health and safety at Fonterra, and group manager of human resources for Mobil Oil for all of Europe. She has run her own consultancy and has strong experience in organisational strategy, chief executive recruitment and succession, executive remuneration and stakeholder relationships. Jennifer is a member of Global Women and has degrees in arts and social sciences from the University of Waikato. She is of Ngāti Mutunga and Ngāti Tama descent.
Jennifer Kerr has extensive international experience in the HR and health, safety and wellbeing sectors in North America, Europe, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. She was formerly General Manager of Customers, People and Environment at Transpower and Group Director Human Resources and Health & Safety at Fonterra. She has also operated her own consultancy business, and prior to that was the Group Manager of Human Resources for Mobil Oil for all of Europe. Jennifer has governance experience in the United Kingdom and New Zealand, including pension plan trustee roles in both countries. Jennifer is a member of New Zealand Global Women and has taken an active role during her career in mentoring and coaching other women to achieve their potential. She is of Ngāti Mutunga and Ngāti Tama descent.
One observation - nowhere in either of those bios is there a mention of anything to do with ‘RandD’, ‘Innovation’ ‘Tech’ and all the various off shoots and things that those two orgizations are there for. I guess it is clear what the focus is.
And maybe something else ..
Ever since I arrived in NZ I have been amazed by the sheer number of governmental organizations that float around the country ‘doing’ ‘things’. It’s a country of 5 million people. These are the organizations I have identified so far that brave entrepreneurs navigate for help.
- Callaghan Innovation
- KiwiNet
… not to mention the ‘chambers’ and ‘ema’ and ‘business nz’ and ‘eda’s’ and ‘incubators’ and ‘accelerators’ and … (thankyou Andy)
Here’s the question - as the new administration start implementing their plan - how many closures and/or mergers should we expect?
What do you think?
And is Callaghan and NZTE first?