Just joined a Discord and was asked to ‘introduce myself’. This is what I said …

I have lived at the intersection of ‘people empowerment through technology transformation’ for most of my career.

Problem - most of those people were INSIDE corporations and if you were on the outside - forget about it - you were a user, a ‘target’ and there was one objective … ‘maximize our share of your wallet’!

25 years ago a group of us asked if a Corporation can have a ‘CRM’ - why can’t a Person have a VRM (Vendor Relationship Manager) .. the question remains unanswered and definitely not implemented.

About ten years ago, I started focussed writing and podcasting about ‘People First’ and been doing it ever since.

I have this feeling that Task driven Agent AIs might be the first opportunity to start solving these very real problems.

Finally - I am NOT a coder - fascinated by it - but I know my skills.

My job is to understand what is being produced and explain it to others in terms that THEY can understand and unpack the relevance.

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