Long said that the whole work/life balance problem ‘solves the wrong problem really well’. For example - 🖇️ me, nearly six years ago

I conclude …

Does John Mayall feel fulfilled? Well, needless to say, I can’t speak for him - but I think he does. Is he the richest musician on the planet? Not by a long way. Is he the most well known? Not at all. But I’d wager he is one of the most fulfilled people out there. And not a work-life balance equation to be seen.

Just read this in Gaping Void

🔗 Your Life Isn’t Meant To Be Balanced, It’s Meant to Be Whole - Gapingvoid

and that article concludes ….

The leaders who change the world don’t offer better boundaries–they offer better stories. More meaning. Gandhi didn’t check out at 5pm. MLK didn’t compartmentalize his dream.

Were kinda trying to say the same thing.

A few years ago now, I developed the ‘Pay|Purpose|Play|Passion model.

It looks something like this to most of us …

Maybe ‘Balance’ is more like this?

Of course ‘Nirvana’ might be a single circle image where all four areas fully overlap. Impossible? Probably. Is that what to aim for? Probably not.

Because it is different. For everyone. All the time. In different contexts.

And that is ok.