๐Ÿ”—๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ“ผ Objects Outlive Us

Her shopping bag broke sending eggs and flour crashing
Down to the ground, just like star clusters smashing
But no one will give her a glance
They just shuffle on home in a trance
The tiniest lives fill their hives up with worry
To make it to church, well, she needs to hurry
When late she will bow down contrite
While a meteor turns out the light

And there in an ordinary street
A car isn’t where it would normally be
The driver in tears, ‘bout his payment arrears
Still, nobody hears whะตn a sun disappears
In a galaxy afar

First day of the new job and hะต was so nervous
The suit and the platitude, “Can I be of service?”
His boss made him clean all the cars
While he wondered, “Is there life on Mars?”
And meanwhile the stars line themselves up in order
While we bicker on with our fences and borders
But best not think about that
It’s better to live without facts

And now in her old wedding bed
A lady will dream that her husband is dead
Of course he’s alive, he’ll be home around five
Still, silence arrives, when a nebula dives into our Milky Way

The thunder and rain start, the paving stones melt
And oddly the first spots make Orion’s belt as
You queue at the bank for an hour
‘Cause a solar flare blew out the power
The nurse in the care home now empties a bath tub
The water will spiral, a galaxies vast hub
Is draining away as we speak
But she loses her job there next week

And there with his first telescope
A teenager stands full of hormones and hope
As he squints at the night, like a painting of light
He doesn’t suppose that a black hole implodes
In a trillion tears from now (Ah)

๐Ÿ’ฌ Andy Partridge (Music - Wilson)