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Posts in: MyFilmReferences

Apologies for the mini timeline flooding with movies. Sorting out and categorizing - if I am not done - I am nearly done.

[My Film Category]( now has two different emojis in the title

🎬 is just a comment on ...

🎥 is a movie ‘review’ that ties back to Lettrboxd - where I followed a few MicroBloggers just last night. 

Probably not all of you - but if you are here and want a follow - reply to this thread.

🎵 🎬 Moonage Daydream (Apple Link) just added to my ‘watch later’ movie queue.

Just added 🎥 Blind Ambition to my watch list.

I recently watched 🎥 Uncorked .. which has nothing to do with Blind Ambition - but have you noticed how studios often release related / competitive movies at the same time?

Interesting how 🎬 Amsterdam and 🎙️ Ultra seem to be connected by the same true story.

My Lettrboxd import worked, so cleaning up ‘film’ category and adding a collection of ‘🎥’.

That said … Category Film is not QUITE the same if you ‘find’ 🎥


Not quite there on the articulation - much less on the consistency of application!


This is not a list designed to be ALL great movies - just those great movies that you might have missed as you journey through life.

Amazon is fixing the AC at a warehouse where a worker died on Prime Day.

The horse may have bolted - but there are plenty more horses in the warehouses … so something needed to be done.

🎬 Talking of Horses

🎬 Has anybody seen the film ‘Luce’.

Good? Bad?

🎬 🎵 There is a new movie from New Zealand coming out … the entire dialogue is gibberish

My mind went back to 1969 when Eric Sykes launched Rhubarb on to the world.

Nothing you create is ultimately your own, yet all of it is you. Your imagination, it seems to me, is mostly an accidental dance between collected memory and influence, and is not intrinsic to you, rather it is a construction that awaits spiritual ignition.

💬 Nick Cave

🎬 Gary Sinise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sharon Stone, Russell Crowe and Gene Hackman … it’s got to be a good one .. no?