This post, by Dave Rosenthal caught my eye this morning. It's long, it’s deep and is written with authority and knowledge.
Who is David Rosenthal? In his words
I worked with James Gosling on CMU's Andrew project in the early 80s. I was a DE with him at Sun later in the 80s working on window systems including X, and file systems. I quit to be employee #4 at Nvidia where Curtis Priem and I did the basic I/O architecture, then was an early employee at Vitria, the second company of founders of Tibco. Before I start talking about cryptocurrencies, I should stress that I hold no long or short positions in cryptocurrencies, their derivatives or related companies.
David Rosenthal
It obviously also caught Cory Doctorow's eyes, because he went on to write a post as well. To many Cory's will be more readable - I guess helped by him being a professional writer and Dave's original post actually being a summary of notes and slides he presented at Stanford's EE380 Whether you read Dave’s or Cory’s - if not both, the conclusion is the same ...

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