Twenty Two Years Ago - give or take - my friend Bob told me to take a listen to an album he has just found called ‘In Abstentia’. Still at the top of my memory banks sees me sitting beside him at the back of some grey boring conference room in Sunnyvale listening to somebody droning on as he silently passed me his wired ear buds connected to his new iPod and watched me have my mind blown as I listened to ā€¦

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€Žā€ŽBlackest Eyes - Song by Porcupine Tree - AppleĀ Music

He dropped me the MP3s that evening - and in turn they got moved to my iPod for my listening pleasure. That weekend I was up in San Francisco and did a detour to this store.

Yes ā€˜thatā€™ specific one - it had served me well thought the 90s and though Amazon was beginning to creep into my world - Tower still held a special place for me - particularly for special music.

ā€¦ and the rest is history - I have heard it all (ok - not ‘all’ - the dude is prolific), but I do have over FIFTY of his albums in CD format and seen him live in different formats maybe eight times across two continents.

All this as a backdrop to this morningā€™s trip to the Supermarket.

.. and to say that if anyone spotted me this morning in the Supermarket - smiling, taking my head, bouncing even ā€¦ this is why. (Jax believes Wilsonā€™s music is sad and makes her sad.) Me? Yes it is sad - but I am with Wilson on this

ā€œI don’t tend to write songs about things that make me happy. I tend to write songs about things that make me angry or melancholic or sad. Those are the things that make me want to express or exercise something through my songwriting. There’s a lot of beauty to be found in sadness and melancholia."

šŸ’¬ Steven Wilson

In no particular order - other than this is the order the tracks got played .. and Yes … Apple Music - because why wouldnā€™t you?

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€ŽThe Watchmaker - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€Žā€ŽPariah (feat. Ninet Tayeb) - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€Žā€ŽPermanating (Ewan Pearson Mix) - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€Žā€ŽTrains - Song by Porcupine Tree - AppleĀ Music

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€Žā€ŽSectarian - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

ā€ŽšŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€ŽFour Chords That Made a Million - Song by Porcupine Tree - AppleĀ Music

ā€ŽšŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€ŽLike Dust I Have Cleared from My Eye - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€ŽThe Raven That Refused to Sing - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

ā€ŽšŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€ŽGrace for Drowning - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€Žā€ŽIndex - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

ā€ŽBelle De Jour - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

ā€ŽšŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€ŽPostcard - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€Žā€ŽPERSONAL SHOPPER - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music - featuring Elton John on ‘Shopping List’.

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€Žā€ŽLuminol - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

šŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€Žā€ŽDeform to Form a Star - Song by Steven Wilson - AppleĀ Music

ā€ŽšŸ”—šŸŽµ ā€ŽSignify - Song by Porcupine Tree - AppleĀ Music