Popped into a local store last night - total purchase around 10 bucks and I only had a $100 note. It seemed to be a rare event … and making the change work was … challenging. But we got there - with lots of notes and change coming back. Stuffed it into my pocket and walked off.
This morning I was just sorting out all the papers and notes ready for a fresh day and on checking I seemed to be short of a few dollars. Checked three times - I was definitely $30 bucks short.
I was PISSED. I KNEW what had happened, but too late to go back and complain about the short change. Made a note to myself - lesson learned.
Later this morning I bought a cup of coffee and decided to use some of those notes to make the wallet thinner.
I counted them out - and as I returned the notes to the wallet spotted a fifty. Wait. A FIFTY?
I sat down and recounted.
I hadn’t been short changed at all - in my pre-coffee early morning hallucinatory mind I had counted the 50 as a 20.
GAH. I am so sorry. I never complained, so you don’t really know. But I think an apology is still necessary. Mea Culpa.
Posting this - and book marking - to remind my future self that people are generally good and I need to always check myself just one more time before ‘going off’.