🔗 Skype is dead. What happened? - On my Om

🔗 Daring Fireball

Microsoft now talks about Teams being their focus, showing that even today they haven’t realized what made Skype a cultural, consumer force. Microsoft Teams is a terrible product – and I dread using it. In simplest terms, Teams is a perfect encapsulation of a bureaucratic, archaic, and outdated 50-year-old company that is trying to reinvent itself as an AI leader.

💬 Om Malik

It single-handedly destroyed the long-distance calling business. Most young people today don’t remember, but long-distance calls used to cost a lot of money. Especially for immigrants, calling home used to cost a fortune. Skype made it free.

💬 Om Malik

In the early days of podcasting, seemingly every show used Skype because it was so much better than anything else. And it was free! It felt like the future. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that if not for Skype, podcasting would’ve been set back several years.

💬 John Gruber

Sharing these - and Om nailed it in that second quote.

Especially for immigrants, calling home used to cost a fortune. Skype made it free.

I was one of those immigrants calling home.